Web Development Review

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this review form. It may take some time for you to complete this and we understand that not every question may pertain to you or your needs. You're free to skip over any areas you're not prepared to answer but please be aware that any blanks left unanswered could affect the price we quote for your website so we strongly encourage you to be as thorough as possible and include as many details as you're able to so that we can accurately assess the cost of your site.

This means that any details left out could potentially cost you more in the long run if we run into areas that weren't previously discussed and thereby not included in the final quote. If you have any questions or run into any difficulties, feel free to let us know so we can assist you.

    Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible to ensure we have the most accurate information to aid us in the development of your website. Please only include relevant information that you wish to include on your website.

    Tell us about your company / organisation.

    Site Functionality

    Site Content

    Target Audience

    References & Examples




    Website Administration / Access

    Site Structure

    3) An example of a navigation menu layout in writing would be:
    Home / Services (Marketing, SEO, Web Design, eCommerce) / Contact

    4) Below is a visual example of a navigation menu for reference.


    • Google Drive allows us to share files, documents and other resources with one another effortlessly.

    • Google Docs allows us to create word documents, share with one another and add notations.

    • Dropbox is an online file sharing utility.

    • Trello is a team collaborative tool designed to allow users to create tasks, allocate team members, set deadlines and more.